Trainee Membership (Fellow) Application

AAPM Trainee Membership is open to physicians enrolled and in good standing in a fellowship program at an institution within the United States of America that is approved by the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education or the American Osteopathic Association.  Requires a letter from the fellowship program director or coordinator verifying enrollment in good standing. This category is for the one-year fellowship and then at renewal, your membership becomes Active Membership with the renewal fees of an Active Member. Your Membership includes:

1.  AAPM's Journal Pain Medicine - the premier source of peer-reviewed research and commentary on the multidisciplinary clinical practice of pain medicine.

2.  AAPM E-News - stay informed with AAPM's bimonthly e-newsletter that provides timely updates on the latest developments in pain research, advocacy, practice management, clinical trials and news about Academy members.

3.  Premier pain education - discounted registration rates for the AAPM Annual Meeting. 

4.  AAPM Education Center Waived or Reduced Fees on quality, on-demand education presented by top pain experts.

5.  Practice Management Tools - stay up-to-date on current events impacting your daily practice with cinical practice guidelines and coding tips.  

6.  Shared Interest Group (SIG)  opportunities to network, advance shared practice interests, or promote discussion in a particular discilpline or topic.

Contact Information

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Telephone 2:
* Telephone 1:
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